I wish that I could stay home with my child and still bring in the big bucks to make sure our lives are easier.
I wish I could never work out, eat what I wanted, and still lose the last 20 pounds of this baby weight.
I wish my husband could be at job he loves, that challenges him, that makes him happy.
I wish that every day, and all the time, we could smile and laugh and find the goodness in other people.
I wish writing this post wasn't neccessary.
But, I digress.
This blog, in its entirety, was started for the sole purpose of updating anyone who was interested, on the daily in's and out's of our daughter's stay in the NICU after her birth. I was so overwhelmed, and having to relay the many stories, many times to many different people, only served to stress me out more. I love writing... anyone who knows me can attest to this. This blog was an outlet, and a savior to me, while we went through the most trying time of our lives to date. Let me be specific about what this blog is NOT for:
- talking about anyone other than Avery, CJ and myself
- up for discussion or public debate
- an invitation to have hurt feelings if, by chance, you are not mentioned in said blog
- a topic that should ever be thrown back in my or my husband's face
If you have an issue with anything said (or not said) on this blog, please don't read anymore. Ever.
This is a place for positivity, for uplifting, a place for me to tell the people who genuinely care about Avery, how she is doing. We love and appreciate those people who can agree and share in the happiness that we feel having our little miracle baby home and happy with us! Thank you again to all who support us; you are priceless in many ways : )
:) Well said!!