Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 11- October 27th- Let's keep it going, Avery Grace!

My Happy Baby!

I love this swaddle time more than life.

Happy Halloween everybody!!

And I'm writing this again from the next day (Friday, the 28th). Yesterday was another busy day for us and I couldn't carve out a good chunk of time to write. But I'm here now, so let's get right down to business on our SuperBaby! (Brief sidenote: isn't the Halloween picture TO DIE FOR?? I laugh hysterically every time I look at it. She's so little and cute. The hat she has on actually has a stem on the top, it's a pumpkin. She looks a lot like Dad in that photo, and I love it so much!)

8:30 AM- She had half a mL of residuals and the nurse had bathed her by the time I arrived. (I'm not exactly sure what the unit conversion of cc to mL is or if I'm been calling the units wrong the whole time in terms of her feeding. But its mL for sure and I'll be using that from now on.) Dad really is adamant about being there for her baths, even though they just do the sponge baths while she is in her isolette since she still has the PICC line in. We do like to do this part and its clearly written on her little information board by her bed. I feel like sometimes the nurses just do what they want with no regard to how important every touch time is to parents. Or maybe I'm just the weird one who wants to do all her care every time, I'm not sure. I love changing her diaper and taking her temperature. It's the only contribution to being a "mom" that I feel in control over, I suppose.
11:30 AM- They upped her feedings again to 16 mL, got back no residuals, and had just a tiny amount of poop in her diaper. Since the doctor was there I asked him about holding her swaddled once a day in addition to her kangaroo care at night. He said that since she was doing so well and was weighing more, he saw no problem with this. WAHOOOOO!!! So I got to hold my sweet baby for about 45 min just looking at her face. I was in heaven. She is so beautiful. I know I'm biased, but for real people.... she is a pretty baby. She was very alert and just looking around and staring at Mom and Dad while we talked to her. Such a neat experience!
2:30 PM- She had 1 mL of residual milk, and when Mom went to change her diaper, she projectile pooped and peed ALL over me and her. I literally sat there with the diaper up like a shield trying to catch this stuff... it was equal parts awesome and disgusting. I remain proud of my little crapper!
5:30 PM- Only had trace amounts of milk residuals this time around. She kangaroo'd with Dad tonight and she was very alert. Looking around, staring up at him and her hands. She was a squirmy monkey too! It just looks like she can't get comfortable. But like always, she fell deep into her milk coma once she got enough in her. I kissed her face about 16 times, and just breathed her scent in. She made squishy faces when Mom kissed her but I know secretly she loves it : )
8:30 PM- We did not go to this touch time, but when we called, they told us that she now weighs 3 lbs and 9 oz (YAY!!!), they officially put her in a long sleeved and bootied onesie (double yay!!) and she gave back no residuals (TRIPLE YAY!!!) My baby is getting so big!!

I did have a couple glasses of wine last night and I tested my milk at 2 AM and it was completely alcohol free so that was good. I only had to dump once. It was really nice to have Kate over, and I'm looking forward to more adult interaction here soon! My wonderful, amazing, lovely friends from work are taking me on a mani/pedi date tomorrow and I cannot wait! We are also having dinner at my dad's, and his home cooking is sure to bolster our spirits even more. We are so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by all these amazing people. My mother in law is also coming over to help put up Avery's curtains in her room... thanks GMa!

God is continuing to answer our prayers for Avery's health and we are more grateful than ever. It is really tempting to slack on the prayers b/c she is doing so well. But this is the time to pray more than ever. That she continues her upward and onwards strides to complete healing. We are overwhelmingly happy that Avery is a healthy baby, she just needs to gain a little weight. Let's pray that everything continues to go well for her and there are no setbacks in her progress. I see the Lord's hand every time I look at my beautiful daughter and I am blessed that He chose me to be her Mommy in this life! Praise the Lord for the work He is doing in Baby Girl!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha can't help, but laugh you got your first pooped/peed on session with your daughter : ) I will be sure to share my first. The picture of you and Avery is just beautiful. You are a mommy now...what a gift. I can't be there in person, so I look forward to seeing all the pictures. So THANK YOU!!!

    Love you guys and will keep praying for that little peanut!


    Aunt Terri
