Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 13

Good Morning everyone! Mom here, delighting in this day already. I slept really good last night (in my 2.5 hour increments) and I thank the Lord for that. I know today is going to be an awesome day. It's beautiful outside, we're going to work on Baby Girl's nursery, I'm getting to see my friends and enjoy some Mom time, have delicious dinner at Grandpa's house, and in between all this, spend some QT with my sweet girl! That's an ultimate thumbs up kind of day in my book. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day/weekend as well : )

8:30 AM- We were told Avery had a great night last night, and that she absolutely loves to be swaddled. She had on a new long sleeved onesie, which was so freaking cute. She had no residuals through the night (yay!) and while Mom and Dad were tag teaming changing her diaper.... you guessed it. Projectile poop on both of us. Twice. I'd like to warn readers this is about to be TMI: her poop was seedy/runny and more yellowish, which is officially the poop of normal newborns!! I know that's gross, but I was so happy to see this. Dad and the nurse changed her bedding (it was everywhere) while Mom got to hold her for a minute. I can't wait to go back at 11:30 and get "the plan" from her doctor/nurse and also to do my swaddled holding time. Dad made a joke and AG actually smiled like she was about to laugh. That made our hearts happy.
11:30 AM-  No residuals here! No poop either. They upped her feeding amount to 24mL, which is very close to maxing out at her full feeds. Their plan is to stop the TPN this evening (the Gatorade type fluid that gives her nutrition, electrolytes, etc.) and just push clear fluids through her PICC line through tomorrow I believe. Then they will start fortifying her full feeds w/ extra calories to help plump our babe up! If she tolerates the additional calories (apparently some babies don't), then they will remove the PICC line. I think Tuesday is probably the earliest they will do this, if all goes well. They don't want to take it out too early in case for some reason she doesn't tolerate the additional amounts. But I have total faith that God is going to sooth her tummy and allow her to take all of that in with no problems! Can we pray together for that?  Thank you!! Mom also held her swaddled for about an hour. Pure heaven : ) She was a little warm when I took her temp, but I think its because they had her swaddled so tight and a full bodysuit on her and a hat. Hello, she comes from CJ and I, she is a HOT NATURED baby. Of course, I just don't want her to have a fever, so if we could also pray about that. She is going to need 2 fans on her at all times to sleep, I can tell you now ; )
Sleepy girl in her cozy onesie
2:30 PM- Mom was getting her mani/pedi around this time, so Dad and GMa took a break from doing her nursery to go up to the hospital and see Avery. She had no residuals and no poop. They had a great visit! Gma helped so much with the nursery and I just know that Avery will love it when she gets home. Thank you so much to my husband and mother in law for putting so much time, effort and love into our little girl's room. It means the world the me and I'm very grateful.
5:30 PM-  Avery had no residuals and no poop again. We got there a little late but Dad immediately got to start kangarooing with her. She was very awake when we got there, but fell fast asleep once the milk hit her little stomach. During the session, Dad looked down and noticed that Avery had her hand positioned in such a way that it looked like she was flipping off the camera!! I didn't want to take a picture of it, but I have to admit, it was too funny not to. I think maybe that's the Morrison part in my baby : ) Dad didn't want to give her back when our time was up tonight, but we had a dinner date w/ Grampa and Mimi, so we reluctantly put our baby burrito back in her cocoon. Dinner was fabulous (thanks again for having us over!!) and even though I slept through the ensuing movie (Mama Bear was tired today) we always have a great time over at my dad's . We were able to call and find out for her 8:30 PM touch time that she had 1 cc residual of all breastmilk and no poop. I have to admit I was a little disappointed about not have a clear record of giving nothing at all back, but this is such a small amount, they will continue to give her the full feeds anyway. Her weight is up to 1.643 kg or  3 lbs 9.96 oz.... we're almost to 3 lbs 10 oz! My little bugger boo is gaining slower the past 2 days, but we will take and be grateful for any amount gained. Hopefully when they start fortifying her food she will put weight on quicker.

Well, we are off to bed early. Going to see precious girl at 8:30 AM and then coming home to get ready then to church. I cannot WAIT to go to church and praise God in His house for all He's done for us. Thank you for praying for the other NICU baby and continuing to lift our Avery baby up for health and healing. We continue to glorify God in all that we do, because He is working in our little one every single moment, and I feel it and I know its true! I love praying over her every time we go see her. I hope that she can feel Mom doing this : ) Thank you Jesus for your love, for your blessings, for your power in our lives and in the life of Avery Grace. Let's continue to pray for Avery's speedy and positive progress and most importantly to thank Him for all He's done/is doing for her already!

Love to all! xox

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