Friday, October 21, 2011

The PICC is in!

The nurse called us around 3:45 this afternoon and told us that they had inserted the PICC line into our sweet girl's arm. Gracie obviously did not appreciate that and fussed/cried a lot, but that is to be expected when someone is poking around in your veins! All the activity had tired her out, but we still wanted to at least see her for our 4 o'clock Touch Time. Once we got down there, the nurse filled us in a bit more. The first time they put it in and took an xray, it showed the catheter had curled up in her vein by her shoulder. So they took it out, tried again and took another xray to confirm it was in the right place. The second time it was, so they secured it.

We were hoping they would be able to go up through her leg as opposed to her arm (which the vein they are in is right by her heart), but alas, that was not what ended up occuring. Of course my main concern now is the risk of infection or since she is such a wiggle worm that she will somehow dislodge the catheter and it will somehow pierce her aorta. Another nurse was quick to tell me that the risk of infection for the PICC line is basically the same as any IV and that while it is possible for the PICC to kind of move around in the larger vein and even come out, it is not feasible for it to go further/deeper from where it now is. This IS a comfort to CJ and I... although we will worry no matter what. It does help to hear from other nurses that the PICC line is a safe option for our child and that the risks are minimal in the long run (thank you Siobhan!!) and any other feedback is also greatly appreciated. We never get tired of hearing about other babies beating the odds stacked against them, as we have complete faith that Avery is going to pull through this as well.

She gave back about 1 cc of the bile at 4 PM, which is still a small amount and it was less dark than last time, which is a relatively good thing. Yes, in a perfect world, she would have no residuals, BUT we will take what we can get. The nurse even said that when they were x-raying her for the PICC line that they could see her bowels looked even better than they had this morning! Praise the Lord!! I know in my heart there is no obstructions or problems in Avery's bowels, she just needs time to warm them up. She isn't stooling on her own yet either, which isn't a necessarily "good" thing, however, since we know her bowels aren't really moving that much, this isn't too much of startling thing. We got to take her temp and change her diaper. She is able to follow our voices around with her eyes (although they are cross eyed at times and super funny). I am in constant amazement at how much she is able to do at only 5 days old. She holds her paci in with her hands, for crying out loud! The thing is as big as her noggin! How sick could she really be?! : )  They put her back on the jaundice lights as well as the blanket...apparently double baking her can't do any harm, and we are all for whatever will break down the concentrated red blood cells in her body the fastest. Everytime I see her I think she looks less and less red (which is true to a certain extent) and then I put my own skin up to her and see the difference.

Dad is going to do her kangaroo care tonight, which I think is the sweetest thing ever. I do make him shave his chest so the scruffies will not irritate her skin though!! They are absolutely precious together, and I thank God every time I see him and her interact. I know that a lot of women aren't as blessed as I am to have partners who are so invested in their babies, and I never take that for granted. A lot of times, CJ will ask the doctors the really important logical questions that Mom just plain forgot! My mind is on different aspects of her health/recovery, while CJ is able to step back from a non-emotional standpoint and say, "Hey, what about this instead of this?" I am so grateful to be married to this man who loves our child as much as I do. The weight he has carried and continues to carry (full load of school work, taking care of the house/dog, catering to a hospital-bound wife daily, balancing all the financial burden of switching to a one-income household) while keeping his sanity absolutely amazes me. While I would never wish this situation on anyone or be necessarily glad that things turned out this way, I can say that he and I's relationship is stronger than ever and we remain the best of friends in every way. There are times I will lay awake at night, with him on the cot next to me, and just think about the past 2 years of our lives together. I am filled with such happiness, such gratitude, so much joy that God chose me to be his wife, to be Avery's mom. While things are not always perfect, He has always given us the strength to get through one more day, and then the day after that, and the day after that.

As I was talking to my step-mom tonight, and I was telling her the same thing I say everyday, (I just want her to be better now), it dawned on us at the very same time that, in essence, we have had every single prayer answered since she's been in the NICU, with the exception of her bowel issue. How could I have missed this?? We are so very blessed to have her be doing as well as she is. So when praying this afternoon, I merely gave thanks. No requests to the Big Man. Just utter and complete gratitude to God that he has heard all our prayers and is answering these in His own way in most importantly, in His own time. Although we would love for all these health issues to be wrapped up in a matter of days, that is not realistic. (Well, miracles DO happen through God, and that's what we are banking on!) However, considering everything else she has overcome in 5 days, it is not shocking that her bowels are taking a little while to catch up. I need to remember this every day, even though it is hard to do. She is a fighter (feisty is the word almost all the nurses and doctors have used) and we continue to trust that the Lord will provide her with fully functional bowels when the time is right.

Let's continue to lift baby girl up in prayer for her complete healing and that her body will stave off any infection associated with the PICC line! Also, continued good news about her little bowels and that they will start to gear up and in the right direction to take Mom's milk and gain weight.

Thank you everyone!! Mom and Dad are off to do kangaroo care and see how AG is doing this evening. Till tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Cortney, I love reading your comments. We are so thankful that God is at work on Avery Grace's behalf. We continue to pray every day, every hour, and we thank God for what He is doing.
