Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 17- Mom's the big 2-7!

And I swear I think my daughter knew I was another year older ; ) True to God's grace, the day did turn itself around yesterday (yes, writing this again from tomorrow, sorry!) I got to have a margarita with my friend Brooke and then came home to find my husband with chocolate, roses and a greeting card!! Getting CJ to actually purchase and write in a card is like pulling teeth. He hates it. And since I am such a "greeting card aficionado" myself, we butt heads over this a little. So the card more than anything really made me happy. He said it was really hard finding one that didn't say, "Hope you your day has been great!" since it was already over and he knew it wasn't. But just like God allows us everyday, we are instating a do-over. So today (the 3rd) is officially (in our house at least) my birthday. Again. And we're gonna do it right this time. Thank you to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday and made me smile multiple times during the day. I really appreciate it! Now to the reason you're really here....

8:30 AM- Sweet Baby had 1 cc of residuals basically all night, and pooped around 2:30 as well. I got to hold her for about an hour and it was the perfect start to my day. She was so sweet and cuddly! She's much more awake now a days, and so the holding is more exponentially more fun : )
11:30 AM- Dad went to this one and reported that the doctor upped her feedings to 32 mL (over an ounce) and upped her calorie intake to 24. She pooped again and have 3 cc's of residuals. Way to go Avery! She really is digesting and dealing with the increased feedings like a champ. All the nurses/doctors are very proud of her.
2:30 PM-She had no residuals this time and Mom got to hold her again! Extra lucky today. We rocked and talked and I think she liked my new blonde hair : ) She kept staring at it and smiling at least!
5:30 PM- Dad got his turn to hold the babe and said she was so precious. She had 1 cc of residual and pooped riiiiggghhhtt as he was giving her back to the nurse! He said she was very serene and then all of the sudden she wriggled around, cried a little, held her breath, grunted and... well you get the point. He thought this was hilarious!
8:30 PM- Mom's turn again! I love, love, love to look in this baby's eyes. I feel like she is recognizing me more and more (wishful thinking, I know!) She only had 2 cc's residual this time and she pooped. She did this directly before we weighed her, which I like to think is why she lost 5 grams from yesterday : ( All I wanted for my birthday was a fat baby weight gain! I just have an increasingly hard time swallowing the fact that she is getting more milk, more calories and is losing weight. Yes, I know she is now pooping like madwoman (PRAISE THE LORD!!!) but normal babies poop every time they eat and they gain weight. I also know it's not a large amount, but we got spoiled when she gained 80 grams a day a few days in a row. I cannot imaging backsliding down the scales, it would absolutely break my heart. The nurse practioner said that she expects Avery's weight to even out once she gets used to the new amount of calories/milk, and that every little thing she does when she's not asleep is burning calories in her body. So the 4 times we held her today, while completely amazing, burned a lot of calories for our little girl. She uses energy to control her own temp when outside her isolette. So I think we will stick to 2 times holding her per day until she starts her upward trend again. Which I hope is TODAY!! (the 3rd) The nurses say this isn't a big deal, that "for every 2 steps forward, there is 1 step back". I hate that phrase. But this was the perfect ending to my night. CJ and I came home in baby heaven and snuggled into our bed, so thankful for our little one and her health and happiness.
11:30 PM- She pooped AGAIN!! And had a small residual. The nurse on duty just said she was "doing really good".

Overall, AG had a fabulous day. As the song goes (and isn't it so true!!) "you can't always get what you want!" We praise God for our baby's poop (even the gross ones!) and that she is tolerating her feeds so well. I thank the Lord that she is healthy, and strong, and getting more so every day, even if a silly scale wants me to believe otherwise. I love that life and God allows us to have do-overs every day... this is such a blessing. I choose to believe that tomorrow (slash today) Avery is going to have an amazing day, full of no residuals, lots of poop/pee, great health, and weight gain. Can we pray for these things? I would really appreciate it. Thank you for keeping us continually in your thoughts and prayers. Jesus is always with our child, and I know that your prayers are heard and answered. Thank you God for being so faithful in your promises to us!

Hope everyone has a great day! xox

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